
Passeio de Táxi.

Ao longo de uma hora andamos às voltas de táxi. Tinha de ser. Também nos traços confusos da cidade encontramos finisterras feitas de insónias, sombras e algumas solidões. Tinha de ser. Um finisterra no banco de trás, uma hora a armarmo-nos em nighthawks, a sirandar às voltas do nada e de toda a sua filosofia. Tinha de ser assim. Uma hora de taxímetro desligado, onde não é preciso de explicar o porquê das escolhas das músicas, da sua ligação de umas com as outras e todas com o texto ou nenhuma com nada, de Coimbra ser Nova Iorque ou vice versa, das luzes estarem tão demasiado quentes que até ferem.
Realizado por Eduardo Brito, com locução de Travis Bickle (ou Robert DeNiro), o Taxi Driver de 16 de Fevereiro visita as seguintes finisterras:

- So why do you want to be a taxi driver?
- I can't sleep nights.
- There's porno theatres for that.
- I know. I tried that.
- So whatja do now?
- I ride around nights mostly. Subways, buses. See things. Figur'd I might as well get paid for it.

1- David Sylvian – Midnight Sun
2 - Sidsel Edresen – Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover

Loneliness has followed me all my life. The life of loneliness pursues me wherever I go: in bars, cars, coffee shops, theaters, stores, sidewalks. There is no escape. I am God's lonely man.

3 - Tom Waits - Eggs And Sausage (In A Cadillac With Susan ....)

Each night when I return the cab to the garage I have to clean the come off the back seat. Some nights I clean off the blood.

4 - This Mortal Coil – Blood (Nothing But)

Thank God for the rain which has helped wash the garbage and trash off the sidewalks.(…)I'm working a single now, which means stretch-shifts, six to six, sometimes six to eight in the a.m., six days a week. It's a hustle, but it keeps me busy. I can take in three to three-fifty a week, more with skims. All the animals come out at night: Whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets. I work the whole city, up, down, don't make no difference to me - does to some. Some won't take spooks - Hell,don't make no difference tom me.

5 - Peter Challis - Funk Mix With Fast Speech
6 - Stina Nordenstam – Greetings From The World
7 - Vincent Gallo – Her Smell Theme

- Wiz?
- Yeah?
- Look, ah, we never talked much, you and me...
- Yeah?
- I wanted to ask you something, on account you've been around so long.
- Shoot. They don't call me the Wizard for nothing.
- Well, I just, you know...
- Things got ya down?
- Real down.
- It happens.
- Sometimes it gets so I just don't know what I'm gonna do. I get some real crazy ideas, you know? Just go out and do somethin.
- The taxi life, you mean.
- Yeah.
- Like do anything, you know.
- Travis, look, I dig it. Let me explain. You choose a certain way of life. You live it. It becomes what you are. I've been a hack 27 years, the last ten at night. Still don't own my own cab. I guess that's the way I want it. You see, that must be what I am. Look, a person does a certain thing and that's all there is to it. It becomes what he is. Why fight it? What do you know? How long you been a hack, a couple months? You're like a peg and you get dropped into a slot and you got to squirm and wiggle around a while until you fit in...

8 - Jeff Buckley – Opened Once

Twelve hours of work and I still cannot sleep. The days dwindle on forever and do not end. All my life needed was a sense of direction, a sense of someplace to go. I do not believe one should devote his life to morbid self- attention, but should become a person like other people.

9 - Dead Combo – Eléctrica Cadente

Are you talkin' to me?

10 - Miles Davis – L’Ascenseur pour L’Echaffaud - Generique

But after the first call, she would no longer come to the phone. I also sent flowers with no luck. I should not dwell on such things, but set them behind me. The smell of the flowers only made me sicker. The headaches got worse I think I've got stomach cancer. I should not complain so. "You're only as healthy as you feel."

11 - Tindersticks – Rented Rooms (Swing Verion)

Listen you screwheads: Here is a man… who wouldn't take it any more, a man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth. Here is...

12 - Mazzy Star – Five String Serenade

- So why do you want to be a taxi driver?
- I can't sleep nights.

13 - Bernard Hermann – Taxi Driver Theme

Fotogramas extraídos, como é óbvio, do filme Taxi Driver, realizado por Martin Scorsese em 1976.


Dicionário de Bolso.

Realização e locução de Hugo Ferreira.
Análise musical dos seguintes substantivos:

Finisterra: do Lat. finis, fim + terra; substantivo feminino, cabo que termina uma região ou a parte conhecida da mesma.
Hank Williams – I’m so lonesome I could Cry (Greatest)
Bob Dylan – Bob Dylan Blues (The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan)
Waylor Jennings - Folson Prison Blues (Cash Covered)
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Jesus Met The Woman at the Well (Kicking Against The Prinks)

Rádio: do Lat. Radiu; substantivo masculino, aparelho receptor de telefonia e telegrafia sem fio; substantivo feminino, posto emissor radiofónico.
Ben Gibbard – Recicled Air (Live version)
Nick Drake – Cello Song (Five Leaves Left)
Serge Gainsbourg – Sous le Soleil Exactement (Comic Strip)
Jeanne Cherhal – Les Photos de Marriage (Douze Fois Pour An)
Françoiz Breut – Tu Ne Dis Rien (inédito)

Música: do Lat. musica; do Gr. mousiké, das Musas, das belas-artes, especialmente dos sons. Substantivo feminino, arte e ciência de combinar harmoniosamente os sons; qualquer composição musical; execução de uma peça musical; solfa; orquestra; filarmónica; qualquer conjunto de sons agradáveis; figura, suavidade; doçura; popular, arte de seduzir alguém pela conversa; conversa enfadonha; treta; lábia.
James Brown – It’s a Man’s World (Gold)
Chico Buarque – Pedaço de Mim (Ópera do Malandro)
Air – Cherry Blossom Girl (Talkie Walkie)
Belle Chase Hotel – Donzela Diesel (Ar de Rock – 20 anos)

Som: do Lat. sonu; substantivo masculino, sensação produzida no ouvido pelas vibrações dos corpos sonoros; vibração que produz essa sensação; ruído; emissão de voz; voz.
Flaming Lips – Feeling Yourself Desintegrate (Live Version)
Suburban Kids with Biblical Names – Marry Me
Roman Revutsky – Incomplete


.oirártonc oa arretsiniF

O Finisterra de 2 de Fevereiro começa no fim e acaba no princípio. A locução é feita em reverse e o alinhamento é lido da frente para trás. Será que a voz que se ouve apresenta os temas na ordem correctamente inversa? Para esclarecer o mistério bagatelar, basta fazer o download do programa, seleccionar a voz, abrir um programa de edição audio e fazer reverse. Segundo a lógica do Finisterra de hoje, pode haver alguma pequena surpresa.
Por ser um programa ao contrário, torna-se igualmente lógico que não se incluam no alinhamento alguns temas que contêm - ou aparentam conter - mensagens apenas audíveis em reverse (o chamado Backmasking), como o célebre Empty Spaces, dos Pink Floyd onde se escuta, tocado do fim para o princípio, "Congratulations. You have just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to Old Pink, care of the Funny Farm, Chalfont".
Com realização e oãçucol de odraudE otriB, tem o alinhamento seguinte, do fim para o princípio:

1 - The Bad Plus – Smells Like Teen Spirit
2 - Emiliana Torrini – Lifesaver
3 - Cocteau Twins – Violaine
4 - Tori Amos – Your Cloud
5 - Kings Of Convenience – Misread
6 - Elliott Smith – Angeles
7 - Lou Reed – I Love You
8 - Red House Painters – Mistress
9 - Old Jerusalem – Stroll
10 - The Books – Venice
11 - Blonde Redhead com David Sylvian – Messenger
12 - Paddy McAlloon com Yvonne Connors - I Trawl the Megahertz
13 - Air – Electronic Performers (in June)
14 - Pop Dell’Arte - So Goodnight